There are multiple contributing factors to mineral deficiency in today's modern world.
Processed Foods
Humans as a whole are overfed but undernourished!
The average person consumes food with minimal nutritional and mineral content.
By consuming these processed foods, it promotes inflammation which increases the need for minerals to digest it. Instead of the minerals being used for essential bodily functions they are refocused to dealing with increased oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Oxidative stress over time does damage to the body potentially causing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease, cancer and other complications.
In short the body has to work way harder to process and digest these foreign foods which requires more minerals and also draws them out of the body in the process. This is why mineral supplementation is extremely important for the body in today's world!
Depleted Soil
You may have heard that you should just get minerals and vitamins from food and they aren't necessary to supplement. I wish that was still the case but there has been a massive decline in the quality of the food we eat daily. Not even the perfect diet will deliver every essential mineral the body needs to optimally function.
The food we eat today is about 30% less nutritious compared to the 1940s. There are over 2 billion people in the world who are overweight and 650 million people that are obese. Eating more should not be the solution to gaining these minerals. The use of pesticides and fertilizers on food kills off beneficial bugs, worms, and bacteria in the soil that promote mineral content in the plants. Chemicals like glyphosate also heavily reduce the mineral content in foods by interfering and forming complexes with them. Back in early times we could have gotten everything we needed from food but the quality of what we eat is so poor it is absolutely essential to supplement minerals daily.
Heavy Metals
Toxic heavy metal buildup is disrupting your mineral absorption (Arsenic, aluminum, lead, cadmium, mercury) Modern environments expose us to numerous heavy metals stemming from fossil fuels, EMFs, skin care, shampoos, body wash, deodorant, petroleum based medications (Antibiotics). Combat it with supplementing more essential minerals daily and cleaning out your house!
Toxicity of heavy metals increases inflammation which also increases the body's required mineral intake to compensate for the extra antioxidant enzymes that are used to fight off the heavy metals. The amount of minerals we have in the body relates to how well we are able to fight off inflammation and oxidative stress along with how quick damage is repaired. To give your body a chance against these heavy metals, supplement minerals!
Chronic Disease
We are told that chronic diseases are normal and just happen but this has been disproved many times. For example magnesium deficiency alone can cause heart failure, high blood pressure, sudden cardiac death, kidney stones, coronary heart disease and more. It has been studied that each chronic disease always refers back to a certain mineral deficiency or imbalance among other factors. There is no such thing as a deficiency in antibiotics; they are only there to mask symptoms not get to the root cause. Doctors should be testing for mineral deficiencies not slapping a bandaid on your symptom with an antibiotic. Minerals run the show in the body without proper supplementation daily some of the leading causes of death may creep in.