How many scoops should I take?
We recommend 1 full size scoop daily using the provided scooper in the bag.
If you are new to taking minerals we recommend starting with a half scoop for a few days to see how you feel, then work up to the full scoop when comfortable.
For kids 12 and under they only need 1/2 scoop at most. We recommend starting them with a 1/4 of the scooper and work up from there.
When am I supposed to take it?
The formula is designed to be taken with or without food because no fat-soluble vitamins exist. Fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, E, D, & K) require fat to be absorbed, utilized, and digested adequately without discomfort. Since many people do not eat immediately upon waking up, their daily multivitamin is often forgotten or put off, which may lead to fatigue and lack of motivation. Optimize Mineral's flagship product is 100% water soluble, meaning it can be fully absorbed and utilized without food. Many prefer to take this product right when they wake up to give them a boost for the rest of the day. You can take Optimize Minerals right before a workout or an important event to be sharp, energized, and focused.
How long will one bag last?
If you take the recommended serving size daily, the bag will last 30 days. If you take less than described, it may last a few days longer than the monthly supply.
What’s the best way to travel with Optimize Minerals?
Put the powder in a smaller Ziplock bag and pack your scooper or a teaspoon measurement for easy travel. No more worrying about multiple pills to take, messy liquids, or additive-filled gummies. You are also able to take the whole bag with you through TSA.
When will I notice a difference?
Most people notice positive changes within the first few days or weeks of use! If not give it a good 30 days +. The longer you are on it typically the more benefits are noticed. If you don't notice anything after a month stop taking it for a few days and compare results.
Why did you choose a powder over pills or liquid?
Capsules or pills take, on average, about 30 minutes to begin the assimilation process. The body may absorb only 20-30% of pills in the bloodstream. Another factor is that 40% of Americans can't even swallow pills!
The Physician's Desk Reference states that 85-90% of nutrients in powder/ liquid mixes may be absorbed in 22-30 seconds, compared to the hours it takes for pills to be absorbed.
What are the benefits of taking Optimize Minerals daily?
Our bodies cannot naturally produce or store minerals, so we must rely on high-quality food and daily supplements.
Key benefits from this product:
🍃Eliminates various minor symptoms (headaches, brain fog, fatigue, gut issues)
🍃Reduces Inflammation
🍃Improves gut health
🍃Promotes lymphatic system flow
🍃Naturally regulates blood pressure
🍃Healthy metabolism support
🍃Increases the natural production of serotonin & dopamine
🍃Increases natural glutathione production
🍃Increases natural antioxidant production
🍃Provides energy all day without needing caffeine
🍃Reduces sugar and snack cravings
🍃Improves blood circulation and fluid balance
🍃May reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
🍃Improves mental clarity
🍃Promotes total body function and health
The list goes on! Click on the science tab and learn how vital minerals are for all bodily functions!
How much would it cost to buy every ingredient in Optimize Minerals individually?
If you were to buy and take everything in this product individually, you would need nine separate pills or more, each costing upwards of $250! We did not spare any expense on our quality ingredients that are easily absorbed and effective in a single solution.
Can this product kick in a slight detox?
If you take bioavailable minerals for the first time, you may experience a slight headache or discomfort. This is a normal and positive reaction, as it's your body cleaning out any excess toxins. Move to half a scoop until it subsides.
Why is there so much Vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that cannot be stored in the body. The RDA for B12 is extremely low, and the human body can only absorb a small percentage of it. Large amounts of B12 are needed to get any noticeable benefit. It is common for other formulas to go well over the suggested RDA, and it is entirely safe.
Why do multiple ingredients go over the RDA percentage?
RDA is an outdated guideline for taking vitamins and minerals. RDAs were developed over 60 years ago to approximate the minimum amount daily to prevent any potential deficiency. That metric was calculated using healthy young adult volunteers. It did not consider the current stress, chronic diseases, toxins, depleted soils, processed foods, excess inflammation, etc, associated with an average individual in the modern world. It has been proven that increased health benefits go along with going above and beyond the RDA.
What is crystalline fructose?
Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar found in fruits, some vegetables (like asparagus, zucchini, and peas), honey, sugar cane, and sugar beets. It's always found naturally in these sources in conjunction with glucose. Yet, no matter the type of sugar, the calories per gram are the same, at four calories per gram.
Even though these different sources of sugar provide the same amount of calories, they are metabolized differently in the body. Glucose, for example, is digested, absorbed, and transported to the liver, then released into the bloodstream, where many tissues take up this glucose from the blood to use as energy. This process requires insulin. Fructose, on the other hand, is predominantly metabolized in the liver and doesn't require insulin to be utilized.
Individuals who have diabetes watch their insulin levels, which are tightly intertwined with glucose. Since it is at least 98% fructose and contains no glucose, crystalline fructose is an ideal sweetening agent for diabetic patients and acts to lower blood glucose levels. For this reason, crystalline fructose is known as a "diabetic-friendly carbohydrate."
What's the comparison of food/natural vitamins vs synthetic vitamins?
Like 'natural' foods, the natural vitamin label is unclear and can be misleading. A natural vitamin can be made from a component directly from the earth or 'naturally made' in your body through digestion. It can also be a product, like vitamin B, that begins with natural fermentation but is additionally processed.
The most typical all-natural vitamin is classified as something that is created directly from plant material. However, since pills don't grow on trees, the only authentic natural vitamin comes directly from your food.
Removing any vitamin from its natural source is a tricky and expensive process that also reduces the potency of the particular nutrient. Isolating a specific vitamin from its source, like Vitamin A from cod liver oil, does not necessarily yield 100% of the vitamin. One must 'synthesize' the vitamin to reach full potency.
According to Dr. Donald Goldberg, R.Phand Dr. Arnold Gitomer, R.Ph.:
"Yes, vitamins and minerals occur naturally in food. But the quantities are very small. When taking supplements, we are accustomed to potencies that would be impossible to obtain from natural vitamins in food concentrates. To get 500 milligrams of vitamin C and 10 milligrams of the various B vitamins from natural sources would require a tablet the size of a football. With a few exceptions—such as vitamin E, natural beta-carotene, and vitamin B12—all of the vitamins used in dietary supplements are synthetic. Regardless of what your local health-food store clerk or multilevel marketing zealot tells you, it's a fact. And it's also a fact that these synthetic vitamins are identical to their natural counterparts. To get high potencies of vitamins and minerals in a dietary supplement, synthetic or highly processed vitamins, and minerals must be used. You cannot have it both ways. High-potency vitamin levels in a product are always the result of added synthetic vitamins."
Aside from Vitamin E, there is no difference between natural and synthetic vitamins. In fact, 95% of vitamins on the market are synthetic because it's very difficult to incorporate natural vitamins into most supplements.
Regarding vitamins, the FDA regulations are responsible for the purity, potency, and safety of dietary supplements. They concur that the molecular structures of nutrients are well known, and the body cannot tell if a nutrient came from a lab or a plant. Thus, synthetically created vitamins are not taxing on your body.
Be sure your vitamin supplements (whether synthetic or natural) are tested for toxicity and contaminants, properly labeled, and will break down in your body in the appropriate amount of time. Thankfully, Optimize Minerals is as high-quality as it gets!
Our manufacturing facility is GMP-certified and FDA-registered. Every ingredient from that facility must carry a up to date COA, ensuring it has been recently tested for heavy metals, microbes, mold, and potency. Each ingredient is 3rd party tested then the entire blend is retested once completed for the same criteria.
FDA registration means that we are always required to meet a high quality and cleanliness standard, and our facilities are routinely and randomly checked to ensure everything is in place. The FDA does not approve or support any supplement but regulates and monitors high-quality manufacturing facilities like ours.
Why does the powder clump?
We purposely did not use anti-caking agents or gums/fillers because they have been proven disruptive to the gut and cause inflammation. Our powder is as pure as it gets which may promote clumping if left opened for long periods of time or exposed to excess heat. If this occurs when the bag has been closed and left inside simply break up the clumps and continue use as normal.
Why are my stools temporarily different while on the product?
It is possible and normal for you to have constipation or loose stools while taking Optimize Minerals. Minerals can kick in a natural detox, which is a good reaction! Your body is trying its best to eliminate toxins that don't belong. If you have loose stools, let them run their course. It won't last long.
If you are constipated, add 1,000 mg or 1 gram of salt and additional ionic magnesium drops to your water or minerals if needed. Don't hesitate to contact Jordan with any questions you may have!
Why is the flavor a little different from my last bag?
It is typical for the taste of the powder to vary slightly because we only use natural flavoring and fruit sweetener. Every apple tastes somewhat different, and the same holds for our product.