Chelated Minerals: Where do all 102 Minerals come from?

Chelated Macro and Micro Minerals 

 70+ Ionic Trace Minerals from Seawater

Sea Salt high in minerals 

Burdock Root 

Chelated Minerals: All of our minerals are processed by chelation. Chelation is when the mineral is attached to an amino acid or chelating agent so the body can immediately absorb it. Minerals that are not chelated compete for absorption and are often peed out and not utilized. Click the science tab to uncover the importance of all daily minerals.

70+ Ionic Trace Minerals From Sea Water (400 mg)

These minerals are derived from the ocean to provide naturally occurring ionic minerals that are highly bioavailable.

Vitamin B Complex: Methylated B 12

Essential daily vitamins for stress relief, brain health, prevention of infections, support of cellular health, increased energy, reduction of depression/ anxiety, red blood cell development, natural antioxidants, conversion of nutrients into energy, and DNA production and repair.

Vitamin C

Powerful antioxidant, immune system boost, reduces oxidative stress, manages high blood pressure, healthy cholesterol levels, reduces inflammation, aids in proper brain function. 

Burdock Root (250 mg)

A powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and pain, enhances blood circulation and the transport of nutrients through the body, reduces acne, sores, eczema, styes, and canker sores, lowers blood sugar, and improves lymphatic system function.

Ginkgo Biloba (250 mg)

An effective antioxidant that reduces free radical damage and inflammation, improves circulation and heart health, increases nitric oxide levels, improves cognitive function and brain health, reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, improves vision and eye health, helps with headaches and migraines, helps with altitude adjustment, and aids in a healthy respiratory system. 

Sea Salt

An essential mineral derived from seawater.


Relieves heartburn, helps reduce constipation, aids in IBS symptom reduction, and is rich in antioxidants.

Taurine (250 mg)

Maintains mineral and electrolyte balance in the body, supports development/function of the central nervous system, is the most abundant amino acid in the eyes to support vision, is high in antioxidants, enhances insulin sensitivity, improves blood pressure regulation and heart function, and maximizes the body's use of insulin naturally.

Monk Fruit Extract

Used to sweeten the product naturally

Potassium Chloride

An essential daily mineral 

Citric Acid

Non-gmo citric acid 

Crystalline Fructose

Natural fruit-derived sugar to sweeten product

Blood Orange Fruit Derived Flavor

Only natural flavors that come straight from the fruit itself 


We do not use folic acid. Our folate is Methylfolate.

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