Jordan Parker, the founder of Optimize Minerals, spent two years developing the product, but his healing journey began before that. 


When Jordan was young, he battled severe asthma and allergies to the point where his throat closed. Many doctors told him that he would not make it. Jordan had to be intubated to keep his airway open, and it was a very stressful and scary moment for him and his family. 


Western medicine went on to diagnose him with asthma, multiple food and environmental allergies, along with limitations on time outside and sports he could play. As a family, those limitations and decisions did not sit right with them. They began to look at alternative options and research and discovered holistic health, homeopathic medicine, applied kinesiology, functional medicine, and much more. Due to the lack of information, Jordan and his family began a long journey of trial and error to see what worked.


Fast forward a few years to Jordan recovering from some of his symptoms. He was able to play sports and enjoy the outdoors but still struggled with various symptoms like headaches, congestion, shortness of breath, puffy eyes, and allergies. Although he had progressed, he still wasn't 100%. 


When Jordan came of age to understand what had happened previously and his drastic change, he wanted to learn more and find ways to get his body to 100%. He developed a passion for health and wellness while actively playing sports, loving the outdoors, camping, and working out. He was searching for the missing piece to his healing. 


In college, Jordan studied kinesiology, nutrition, and business while playing Junior college/D1 baseball. In his off time, he read books on health and tried different supplements and other healing methods. His main concern was eliminating his food and environment allergies and stopping getting sick so often. 


The day came when he came across minerals online and learned their importance. He went on a deep dive into multiple books about minerals and was blown away. He then began to search for supplement options on the market. Unfortunately, very few focused on minerals. He first tried herbal tea, which worked well but was not convenient, did not taste great, and was a chore to make. Then he tested sea moss, which tasted awful, was a pain to prepare, and was far from convenient. He attempted different liquids and drops, but those were not convenient, often spilled, leaked, and were hard to travel with. He tested multiple different pills and multivitamins, but none of them seemed to work or make a significant change in how he felt. Then he searched for powder options, with zero options for a full spectrum of minerals.


He consistently consumed the tea and noticed massive changes in his health. After a few months to a year, he noticed he could now eat foods without an adverse reaction. Also, he did not get seasonal allergies and did not get sick around the usual times of year. 


Three years later, when Optimize Minerals came out, he still has not gotten sick and enjoys a fully healthy immune system while being allergy and symptom-free! Minerals were the missing link his body craved even while eating a clean, nutrient-dense diet. Ever since this realization, he has begun to spread the word on social media and with the health coaching clients he works with. The testimonies from minerals alone were incredible! You can see some now on our website and throughout TikTok. 


Thus, two years in the making, Optimize Minerals was born! Jordan has made it his passion and mission to ensure everyone can access simple, affordable, clean, bioavailable, fast-acting, and good-tasting supplements. 

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