How many scoops should I take?
It is highly recommended to slowly ease into the serving size on the label. This formula is very potent and highly bioavailable. I would recommend starting with 1-2 provided scoops for the first day to see how you react and feel. Next day jump to 2-3 scoops total for the day and evaluate how you feel. After that jump to 4 total scoops when you are ready. If you have taken similar liquid minerals before consistently you are more than welcome to take the serving size immediately or work up to it faster than advised.
When am I supposed to take it?
The formula is designed to be flexible to take with or without food due to there being no fat soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, E, D, &K require fat to be absorbed, utilized and properly digested without discomfort) Since not many people eat right when they wake up, their daily multi vitamin is often forgotten or put off. This may lead to daily fatigue and lack of motivation. Optimize Minerals flagship product is 100% water soluble meaning it can be fully absorbed and utilized without food. Many prefer to take this product right then they wake up to give them a boost for the rest of the day. You are more than welcome to take right before a workout or an important event during the day so you are sharp, energized and focused.
How Long Will 1 Bag Last?
If you take the recommended serving size daily it will last 30 days. If you are taking less than described it may last a few days longer than a month.
How Can I Travel With These?
A branded ziplock travel bag will be released soon! In the meantime you are more than welcome to put the powder in a smaller ziplock bag and bring your scooper or a teaspoon measurement with you. No more worrying about multiple pills to take, messy liquids, or additive filled gummies.
When Will I Notice A Difference?
Majority of people notice a positive change within day 1 of consuming! If you don't feel the supplement you take now it is most likely not being absorbed or utilized.
Why did we choose a powder over pills or liquid?
Capsules or tablets (pills) can take from 20-30 minutes just to break down, before the body can even start to assimilate them. Studies have shown that the body uses 98% of our liquid extracts.
The body only utilizes approximately 39-53% of capsules or tablets. 40% of people in the US can not swallow pills! (Medical studies have shown that liquid extracts have faster absorption rates, higher optimisation rates, and are more easily digestible, In fact, the Physician’s Desk Reference states that 85-90% of nutrients in liquid supplements are absorbed in 22 to 30 seconds, Compare this to hours it takes for the nutrients in pills to be absorbed by the body. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that only 10%-20% of the nutrients in pills actually are absorbed. The body does not need to break down a liquid extract, allowing more of the medicinal properties to be absorbed into the system.
What are the benefits of taking this product daily?
Our bodies can not naturally produce or store minerals which leaves us relying on quality food and supplements daily
Key benefits from this product:
Eliminate various minor symptoms (headaches, brain fog, fatigue, gut issues)
Reduce Inflammation
Improve gut health
Promote lymphatic system flow
Naturally regulate blood pressure
Healthy metabolism support
Increase natural production of serotonin & dopamine
Increase natural glutathione production
Increase natural antioxidant production
Real energy all day without needing caffeine
Reduce sugar and snack cravings
Improve blood circulation & fluid balance
May reduce symptoms of anxiety & depression
Improve mental clarity
Promote total body function and health
The list goes on! Click on the science tab and learn in depth how vital minerals are for all bodily functions!
How much would it be to buy everything individually in this powder?
If you were to buy and take everything in this product individually it would be a total of 9 separate pills or more costing upwards of $250 dollars! We did not spare an expense on quality ingredients that are easily absorbed and effective in a single solution!
Can this product kick in a slight detox?
It is possible that if you are taking bioavailable minerals for the first time you may experience a slight headache or discomfort. This is a GOOD reaction and means your body is cleaning out excess toxins that may be present.