These are not claims. We're providing science-backed research for educational purposes only. Please do not take it as medical advice.
Optimize Minerals is much more than just a hydration mix. Minerals are essential for every function of the body. Unfortunately, most supplements are not bioavailable and have incorrect ratios and balances. You may be wasting your hard-earned money on something just marketed well.
At Optimize Minerals, we have extensively studied the importance of minerals and how to make them easily absorbed and utilized. All of our mineral forms are extremely well absorbed without any competition. That includes chelated minerals, Ionic trace minerals, burdock root, and sea salt. When minerals are in these forms it eliminates the issue of antagonist relationships they would have against each other if taken separately. Every mineral and vitamin has an antagonist or synergist relationship, simply meaning if you take too much of 1 separately without the other it may create imbalances and deficiencies. When you consume multiple minerals and vitamins in the incorrect form they will compete for absorption and a majority of them are urinated out causing you to not notice much of a difference.
In Optimize Minerals you get all 102 minerals! Chelated, Ionic, herbal and natural sources of minerals are bound, protected and absorbed due to natural amino acids, chelating agents, bioflavonoids and more. This concept is very similar to when you eat a nutrient dense steak.
When you experience various symptoms and diseases, your body tries to communicate that something is out of balance. Our bodies are strategically designed to heal themselves and discover solutions, but without critical nutrients and minerals daily, they cry out for help. Supplementing minerals alone is dangerous as it reduces the absorption of other essential vitamins and minerals in the body. We have formulated the proper balance of each crucial mineral in the body so you don't have to.
Due to the absorption rate of liquid/powder supplements, the nutrients you need pack a bigger punch. On average, one powder dose is equivalent to up to 20 capsules.
Essential Minerals
Macro Minerals
🍃Calcium: Improves bone mineral density and promotes fat breakdown
Deficiency: Osteoporosis, weight gain
🍃Chloride: Creates stomach acid, fights infections, maintains electrolyte balance
Deficiency: Lack of nutrient absorption, illness
🍃Magnesium: improves bone mineral density, regulates blood pressure, maintains insulin sensitivity
Deficiency: Hypertension, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, heart disease
🍃Phosphorus: Improves bone mineral density, glycolysis, and gluconeogenesis
Deficiency: Osteoporosis, anorexia, rickets
🍃Potassium: Regulates blood pressure, maintains insulin sensitivity, reduces atherosclerotic lesions
Deficiency: hypertension, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance
🍃Sodium: Regulates blood pressure and electrolyte balance, transports iodine into the thyroid, transports nutrients into the cells
Deficiency: Hypotension, insulin resistance, cramping, hypothyroidism
🍃Sulfur: Promotes antioxidant systems, cholesterol, and vitamin D sulfate, manages inflammation, detoxification, methylation
Deficiency: Low glutathione, low protein synthesis, weakened immune system, vascular damage, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia
Micro Minerals
🍃Chromium: Enhances insulin action, improves glycemic control, supports lipid metabolism, lowers blood sugar, supports antioxidant defense
Deficiency: Insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, diabetes
🍃Cobalt: Proper function of Vitamin B12, nerve function, and regeneration, Myelination, and cognition
Deficiency: Neuropathy, anemia, muscle wasting, cognitive decline
🍃Copper: Regulates iron status, improves lipid profile, maintains glycemic control, supports antioxidant defense, aids in energy production, collagen and soft tissue production, thyroid function, immune system function, reproductive system health, kidney health
Deficiency: Anemia, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, vascular damage, hyperglycemia, hyperthyroidism, iron overload, collagen damage
🍃Iodine: Maintains thyroid function, produces thyroid hormones, supports metabolic health, healthy mental development, immune system function, protects against lipid peroxidation
Deficiency: Hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, low energy, frailty, osteoporosis, goiter, hypercholesterolemia, obesity
🍃Iron: Tissue oxygenation, regulates oxidative stress, nitrogen fixation, electron transfer
Deficiency: Anemia, fatigue, low energy, infection risk, physical deterioration
🍃Manganese: Antioxidant defense, Immune health, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, nitrogen metabolism, removes excess ammonia, bone mineral density
Deficiency: Atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance, diabetes, kidney damage, cirrhosis
🍃Molybdenum: Nitrogen fixation, removes excess sulfites, metabolizes toxins and alcohol, metabolizes purines and sulfur
Deficiency: Neurological damage, poor physical development, toxin accumulation
🍃Selenium: Supports thyroid function, produces thyroid hormones and immune system health, protects against oxidative stress, prevents lipid peroxidation, detoxifies heavy metals
Deficiency: Hypothyroidism, weakened immune system, atherosclerosis, oncogenesis, low glutathione, hyperlipidemia
🍃Zinc: Immune system function, antioxidant defense, calcification of bones, wound healing, produces thyroid hormones, insulin production, glucose metabolism, brain development and plasticity, sex hormone production, melatonin and serotonin production, glutathione synthesis, DNA damage repair
Deficiency: Hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, hyperglycemia, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, mental impairment, weak immune system
🍃Boron: Brain function, tumor suppression, antioxidant defense, improves vitamin D status, increased testosterone/estrogen, elastase collagen activity, anti-osteoarthritic effects
Deficiency: Vitamin D deficiency, osteoarthritis, hypogonadism, inflammation, impaired brain function
🍃Lithium: Neurotransmitter balance, brain function, similar to insulin, improves glucose metabolism
Deficiency: Depression, increased suicide rate, mental impairment, aggression
🍃Nickel: Regulated glucose metabolism, regulates homocysteine metabolism, supports reproduction and growth
Deficiency: Hyperglycemia, hyperhomocysteinemia, impaired growth, infertility
🍃Silicon: Supports connective tissue, blood vessels, and arteries, reduces plaque formation, and protects against atherosclerosis
Deficiency: Atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, plaque formation, hypertension
🍃Vanadium: Mimics the effects of insulin, improves glucose metabolism, supports metabolic health
Deficiency: Hypothyroidism, depression, fertility and growth issues, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance
Who Is Deficient?
In the United States, 1 out of 3 people are deficient in AT LEAST 10 essential minerals (potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, iron, molybdenum, and boron). Also, more than 65% of people in the US alone are deficient in multiple vital minerals. That means that over 2 billion people currently lack essential minerals. Everyone is deficient in at least one.
What Causes Mineral Deficiency?
There are multiple contributing factors to mineral deficiency in today's modern world.
Processed Foods
Humans are overfed but undernourished. The average person consumes food with minimal nutritional and mineral content. Consuming these processed foods promotes inflammation, increasing the need for minerals to digest. Instead of the minerals being used for essential bodily functions, they are refocused on dealing with increased oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Over time, oxidative stress does damage to the body, potentially causing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and other complications.
In short, the body has to work harder to process and digest these foreign foods, which require more minerals to be drawn out. This is why mineral supplementation is essential for the body today!
Depleted Soil
You may have heard that minerals and vitamins should be obtained from food; therefore, they aren't necessary to supplement. I wish that were still the case, but there has been a massive decline in the quality of the food we eat today. Even the perfect diet will deliver only some essential minerals the body needs to function optimally.
Today's food is about 30% less nutritious than in the 1940s. There are over 2 billion people in the world who are overweight and 650 million people who are obese. Eating more should not be the solution to gaining essential minerals. Using pesticides and fertilizers on food kills off beneficial bugs, worms, and bacteria in the soil that promote plant mineral content. Chemicals like glyphosate also heavily reduce the mineral content in foods by interfering and forming complexes with them. In the past, we could have gotten everything we needed from food, but the quality of what we eat is so poor it is essential to supplement minerals daily.
Heavy Metals
Toxic heavy metal buildup (arsenic, aluminum, lead, cadmium, mercury) disrupts mineral absorption. Modern environments expose us to numerous heavy metals, including those from fossil fuels, EMFs, skin care products, shampoos, body wash, deodorant, and petroleum-based medications (antibiotics). Combat this by supplementing with more essential minerals daily and cleaning your house.
The toxicity of heavy metals increases inflammation, which also increases the body's required mineral intake to compensate for the extra antioxidant enzymes used to fight off the heavy metals. The amount of minerals in the body relates to how well we can fight inflammation and oxidative stress and how quickly damage is repaired. To give your body a chance against these heavy metals, supplement minerals.
Chronic Disease
We are told that chronic diseases are typical and happen, but this has been disproved many times. For example, magnesium deficiency alone can cause heart failure, high blood pressure, sudden cardiac death, kidney stones, coronary heart disease, and more. It has been studied that each chronic disease always refers to a specific mineral deficiency or imbalance, among other factors. There is no such thing as a deficiency in antibiotics; they only mask symptoms, not get to the root cause. Doctors should test for mineral deficiencies, not slapping a bandaid on patients' symptoms with an antibiotic. Minerals run the show in the body. Without proper daily supplementation, some of the leading causes of death may creep in.
Importance of Mineral-Rich Water (Optimize Minerals)
Mineral water should be a daily staple due to its multiple benefits for the body. It improves digestion and gut health by promoting healthy levels of stomach acid. A lack of stomach acid promotes digestion issues, heartburn, a high risk of infection, and reduces the effect of mineral absorption.
Drinking demineralized water (purified water) reduces stomach acid and your power to break down and digest food, possibly resulting in bloating.
Mineral water aids in stool consistency and constipation. If you fast regularly, carbonated mineral water will help minimize hunger while delivering essential minerals. Mineral water will also lower blood pressure and can be used on the skin to improve hydration and dryness (getting a mineral-infused shower filter is highly beneficial).
Proper minerals for recovery and rehydration can also give athletes a competitive advantage. It is crucial to have more than just the essential electrolytes for full benefits. For example, sulfur can protect you from muscle damage and increase recovery time. Having enough sodium in the water is vital if you are active and sweat a lot. It will help regulate other mineral levels and keep you hydrated. High amounts of demineralized water will dilute and pull minerals from the body, leading to dehydration.
- Lowers insulin
- Fuels physiological processes
- Relieves constipation, bloating, and digestion issues
- Improves insulin sensitivity and exercise performance
- Provides zero-calorie source of essential minerals
- Covers daily mineral demands
- Promotes skin hydration and health
- Decreases hunger
- Protects against lipid/protein oxidation
What do minerals do for our body?
Minerals provide energy! Every cell in the body needs minerals. We all know about mitochondria, the so-called powerhouse of the cell. What people need to know is that minerals are required to function correctly. If you have daily fatigue and weakness, your cells are not functioning at their highest level due to the lack of vitamins and minerals.
Minerals also protect the mitochondria by activating additional antioxidant enzymes to reduce oxidative stress. If the mitochondria are not functioning correctly, it can accelerate aging, reduce ATP production, and damage the cells. Minerals are essential to the mitochondria to create new cells and prevent them from malfunctioning. If the mitochondria are healthy, that will increase the health of your immune system, hormones, sleep, mental health, mood, and more. Minerals the mitochondria need to function at their optimal level are calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc.
Minerals and Their Role in Energy Metabolism
🍃Magnesium: Essential for nerves and muscle function
Co Factor in over 600 enzymatic reactions
Required for ATP production
🍃Calcium: Essential for nerve and muscle function
Initiates Fat oxidation
Carries ATP with magnesium
🍃Phosphorus: Structural component of ATP and creatine phosphate
A part of energy metabolism and balance
🍃Copper: Essential cofactor for the last stage of mitochondrial electron transport
Involved in iron metabolism and balance
🍃Chromium: Potentiates the actions of insulin and glucose uptake
Needed for glycolysis and ATP production
🍃Iron: Essential part of hemoglobin for oxygen transport
Facilitates transfer of electrons in the respiratory chain
Necessary for red blood cell function
🍃Manganese: Cofactor of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and gluconeogenesis
🍃Zinc: Essential for glycolysis and beta-oxidation
Part of over 100 enzymes involved in energy metabolism
Needed for producing thyroid hormones
🍃Selenium: needed for producing thyroid hormones
Needed for glutathione and antioxidant production
🍃Iodine: Needed for producing thyroid hormones
Affects metabolic rate and energy metabolism
Electrolytes and Minerals
Electrolytes are important for helping maintain normal fluid levels in the blood. The body can actively adjust fluid and electrolyte levels in and out of cells. For example, moving sodium and potassium across cell membranes is called active transport, which involves ATP. The sodium-potassium pump, which moves sodium out and potassium into the cell, is powered by magnesium and ATP.
To avoid electrolyte imbalances, which could be fatal, you need to absorb enough minerals from foods and liquids. Minerals and vitamins work together to maintain optimized function. A lack of sodium, B6, and selenium can lead to magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is essential because it protects against potassium loss and regulates its levels. Be mindful of the ratios of certain products.
Minerals Needed for Brain Health
For your body to naturally produce serotonin and melatonin, you need magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, cobalt, and zinc.
For example, magnesium should be taken to help your sleep because it promotes the natural production of melatonin. Supplementing melatonin will throw your body out of balance.
Dopamine is an important hormone created by magnesium, B6, Iron, B6, Copper, and Vitamin C. These vitamins and minerals are grouped because they work together.
Zinc is an essential mineral that may aid in healthy brain aging and ADHD in children. Be mindful that if zinc is supplemented alone, it will remove copper in the body, exposing you to more bacterial infections. A lack of zinc and too much copper can lead to risk of viral infection.
Minerals Needed for Heart Health
Magnesium plays an essential role in protecting the body from heart complications. Since magnesium runs the sodium-potassium pump (blood pressure), a deficiency may cause hypertension and an accumulation of calcium and sodium. Supplementation of magnesium has also been found to reduce cardiac arrhythmias.
Potassium controls heartbeat and muscle function and prevents strokes, hypertension, and heart disease. It also allows the body to regulate and utilize sodium levels. You may need more potassium and magnesium if you are sensitive to high sodium levels.
Zinc regulates heart muscle and cardiac function. Low zinc, selenium, and copper levels are related to heart failure. In a recent AREDS study, zinc and copper supplementation reduced mortality by 27%.
Minerals Needed for Gut Health
Approximately 80-90% of serotonin in the body is made in the gut; therefore, what you consume is extremely important and directly correlates to how you feel. This process includes magnesium, zinc, selenium, and iron. When you are deficient in these minerals, it alters the gut microbiota and can cause depression. A great way to combat gut health issues is to drink magnesium-rich water to improve bowel movements if you are constipated. Magnesium also reduces inflammation and aids in stomach acid levels in the gut, fortifying the gut lining.
Selenium protects the gut from free radical damage and stops the inflammatory response. Iron calms inflammation in the gut and aids in producing good bacteria.
Minerals Needed for Liver Health
Whether you drink alcohol or not, liver disease is linked to low levels of magnesium, molybdenum, zinc, and selenium - the minerals required for the liver's detox pathways. Beware of supplementing too much iron because its high oxidative capacity can build up in the body and liver without copper to regulate it.
Minerals Needed for Eye Health
It is possible that blurry vision is connected to magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitamin C and E deficiency. Additional factors may apply, of course. Glasses or contacts were not around in the early stages of human existence. Just something to think about.
Collagen Production
Collagen is vital for skin, tendon, ligament, and soft tissue health, and it needs copper to aid in its formation. A zinc deficiency slows down tissue regenerative processes.
Minerals, Stress and Hormones
Chronic stress is dangerous to carry out without resolution and further depletes the body of minerals, especially magnesium. When magnesium is supplemented, it can alleviate anxiety, depression, and sleep issues. Other minerals involved in anxiety and depression are calcium, sulfur, copper, and lithium.
The body is intelligent and handles stress by producing different hormones and systems of defense. Common hormones are aldosterone, testosterone, cortisol, cortisone, pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA and more. These hormones regulate metabolism, inflammation, the immune system, injury recovery, body composition, and stress handling.
Copper, selenium, magnesium, and iron are required to make these steroid hormones in the body. This is a much more complex process. I will save the details, but multiple minerals must be involved for this to work properly. The thyroid and adrenal glands also produce hormones that require iodine, zinc, magnesium, and selenium.
If you are having testosterone issues, it may be related to a zinc and magnesium deficiency.
Selenium is essential for naturally increasing glutathione levels, hormone balance, antioxidant protection, and managing oxidative stress in the body.
Supplementing every essential mineral daily is necessary for the immune system to function properly.